Monday, June 20, 2011

The Gnome

One of my older sisters called me out over the weekend about my last blog post (I know, it was ages ago). I had stated on the post that I avoided blogging about serious subjects. She pointed out that in actuality, all of my posts are about very serious subjects. I guess she's right. I've talked about my mom, money, growing up, terrorism, my take on monarchy--all very serious stuff. So today, I've decided that the purpose of this post is for one reason and one reason only--to embarrass myself:

This is me. 

I "modeled" for a Dungeon & Dragons playing card (it was for a game that was like a poor man's Magic the Gathering). My name is Aliki and my race is Halfling. Yes, you could buy these cards in stores. Yes, my parents spent a lot of money buying those big boxes of cards so that I could get as many of my card as possible. But just imagine how great it feels to rip open a fresh pack of cards and find one with you on it! Yes, that face paint took forever to get off. 

I was a part of the community. I made friends with guys with mullets and Big Gulps. I signed autographs,  a ton of them. This card is currently worth $17.99. I'm proud of that. I'm not ready to share any more.

I always thought of this as some BIG SECRET (whoops I think I'm getting serious again, whatever). I recently shared this picture to a bunch of my friends over email. I expected a lot of comments and WTFs?, but no one said anything. Is this just not that embarrassing? Or did my friends just expect that I had a past that involved realms, elves, and magical artifacts?

So please. Mock me. It will make me feel better. 


  1. Printed your card and distributed at work, people are collecting already. Everyone is asking why your face looks like a piece of that zebra stripe gum from childhood.
    (Why the hell did I not know about this??? Who I am living with?!)

  2. Emily, your reference to Spellfire as "the poor man's Magic the Gathering" has the Spellfire community up in arms. There are rumors of people burning their Aliki cards in protest.
